
Advantages of the EZ35 Shutter Door System:

  • Pre-hung and factory installed Shutter Door.
  • Radically reduces time and labor to install on to the truck.
  • Reduces costly installation errors and potential service issues.
  • Safety: Rolls upward and stays open until physically closed. Door will not close or free fall.
  • Eliminates the risks associated with opening swing-up or swing-out doors on curbside or roadside.

Advantages of the Diamond Roll UP Shutter Doors:

  • Ball and Socket Design: slats utilize this design with an integrated weather seal between each slat. The integrity and stability of the door curtain is not dependent upon the weather seal.
  • Weather seals: true EPDM rubber seals the perimeter of the opening.
  • Counter balance: the enclosed torsion spring system design allows for the door to easily be operated by hand.

*(Patent Pending)

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Got a question? To discuss your requirements, please get in touch for more information on how Diamond Doors can provide you with customised engineering solutions.

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